Together we can do a lot of good
We’re proud to welcome 30,000 new members onboard from Christian Super to hit an epic 100,000+ member milestone.

100,000+ Australians investing with heart
Australian Ethical is Australia’s original ethical investor. Since 1986, we have made ethics the starting point for all the investments we offer.
The addition of Christian Super members helps us better support our purpose across Australia and the world. It enables us to grow our portfolio and to raise the volume of our voice as an active shareholder and contribute to the world we operate in through the activities of the Australian Ethical Foundation.
Why Australian Ethical?
Our Foundation
10% of profits (after tax and before bonus) are donated annually to the Australian Ethical Foundation to unearth and fund the most effective charities and solutions addressing climate change.

donated since 2000

provisioned for donations in FY24

charities supported to fight climate change
On Friday 25 November 2022, all Christian Super members were transferred to Australian Ethical Super.
As a recent Christian Super member you’ll be able to find all the information and documents to manage your Australian Ethical Super account here, including accessing your online portal, FAQs, links to forms, insurance and contribution details.
At Australian Ethical, we know it’s possible to pursue both business and sustainability objectives together. Profit with purpose is not only possible, it’s essential to our future. Together, there's a lot of good we can do. As we continue to do our best for the benefit of you and the planet, we'd like to say thanks for investing with heart.
Please note: Due to the way our accounts are set up, some things are different to existing Australian Ethical members and you’ll be using a different member portal and forms. You’ll know you’re in the right place on the website and using the right form if you see reference to ‘previous Christian Super members’ or ‘ex-CS members’ for short.
You'll find further information about your new account and the transition in the pages below:
Login to your member portal
Your new Australian Ethical Super account is now completely set up and ready for you. No need to create a new account.
Login here
Please note – if you’re not already registered for online access, you can register here. You’ll need to enter your name so that it matches what’s on your annual statement.
about the transfer
APRA (one of the regulators for super funds) placed a number of licence conditions upon Christian Super which led Christian Super to consider whether transferring their members to another super fund was in the best financial interests of those members.
Christian Super considered a number of possible funds with Australian Ethical being deemed the strongest candidate with our purpose-driven approach to investing ethically being a key factor in this decision.
While Australian Ethical Super is not a faith-based super fund, we share a commitment to promote human prosperity and environmental stewardship, an approach important to people from all walks of life including the faith community.
All our investments are positively and negatively screened against our Ethical Charter. You can see the details of our investments by option as at 31 March 2022 in our Portfolio Holdings Disclosure.
Our stance on a range of important issues can be found here. They’ve been developed by asking what’s best for the future of people, the planet and animals.
about your australian ethical account
Your login details haven’t changed. You can use your existing Member Number and password from Christian Super to log into your account using the links on this page or by using the login menu – make sure to use the ex-Christian Super option.
If you’re not already registered for online access, you can register here. You’ll need to enter your name so that it matches what’s on your annual statement.
No problem, you can retrieve your member number and / or reset your password via the login page. Please keep in mind when answering the security questions that it is case sensitive, so your answers need to match exactly what you originally entered.
As outlined in communications from Christian Super, your fees are now aligned with the Australian Ethical fee structure, and in the majority of cases are lower than they were previously. You can see the difference and find the details of our recent fee reduction here or as part of our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) alongside a breakdown of risk and the taxation of superannuation.
As outlined in communications from Christian Super, your investment options have been mapped to Australian Ethical investment options as closely as possible to reflect your intended investment decision. If you were invested in more than one option, your account balance will have been transferred in the same allocation.
You can view the details anytime in your member portal.
As outlined in communications from Christian Super, any insurance you held within your super has been transferred to MetLife. Find out more on our insurance page for ex-CS members here.
While we can’t predict future performance based on past performance, our award-winning team of fund managers at Australian Ethical has a track record of delivering healthy long-term returns across superannuation, managed funds, ETFs and pensions.
If you had previously nominated beneficiaries with Christian Super these have been transferred to Australian Ethical. You can view and change the details in your member portal, however binding nominations can only be changed in writing.
about payments & contributions
There’s no change to pension payment timings.
The details needed to make additional contributions haven’t changed. Find out more on our additional contributions page.
We’re here to help
If you have any questions about your new account please call us on 1800 021 227 or email us at