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How to access mFunds

Australian Ethical Investment Limited (the mFund Issuer) offers investors the chance to invest in most of our managed funds through the ASX mFund Settlement Service. This service allows investors to invest through several online brokers like how individual shares are traded.  

The funds we have made available through mFund are:

Australian Ethical Emerging Companies Fund (Wholesale) AET07 606 254 157
Australian Ethical International Shares Fund (Wholesale) AET03 124 861 338
Australian Ethical Diversified Shares Fund (Wholesale) AET05 089 919 166
Australian Ethical High Growth Fund (Wholesale) AET01 140 444 211
Australian Ethical Fixed Interest Fund (Wholesale) AET02 166 048 184
Australian Ethical Income Fund (Wholesale) AET06 089 919 120

You should refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for each of the Funds before making a decision to invest. Please note, brokerage or other fees may apply for using this service.

Changes from 2 October 2018

Australian Ethical Balanced Fund (Wholesale) ASX code AET08 and Australian Ethical Australian Shares Fund (Wholesale)  ASX code AET04 are closed to new investors through mFunds. For existing investors, (Pre 2nd October 2018) the PDS dated 29 March 2018 applies. Additional investments must be a minimum of $1,000 and monthly regular investor plan investments must be a minimum of $100. Redemptions may still be facilitated via the mFund service. Please note, brokerage or other third party fees may apply for using this service. There are no Establishment, Contribution, Withdrawal or Exit fees charged by Australian Ethical.

mFund Transaction Report
February 2025


The mFund Settlement Service is an electronic settlement system that allows you to buy and sell units in selected unlisted managed funds via the same stockbroking and advisory services you use to transact shares and other ASX products. The service uses CHESS, the ASX’s electronic settlement system, to automate and track the process of purchasing and redeeming units in mFund products. At settlement, unit balances are recorded on your Holder Identification Number (HIN) alongside other investments.

An mFund product is an unlisted managed fund that has been admitted for settlement under the ASX Operating Rules and is made available to investors via the mFund Settlement Service.   An unlisted managed fund is not directly traded on the ASX, meaning that investors don’t trade units with other investors. Instead an application for purchase of (buy) or redemption of (sell) units in the unlisted managed fund are made between the investor and the mFund Issuer’s unit registry. The price of the unit is set by the mFund Issuer and not on a traded market.

The mFund Settlement Service can be used by investors who invest in managed funds and want the benefit of electronic settlement and consolidated reporting through CHESS.

The minimum investment for an Australian Ethical managed fund purchased through the mFund Settlement Service is $25,000. Additional investments to a managed fund can be made for a minimum of $1,000. To invest in an mFund product, you must place a ‘buy’ order for units in that fund through your accredited stockbroker or through a financial adviser who uses a stockbroking service on your behalf. The transaction is then managed between the broker and the mFund Issuer’s registrar via ASX’s CHESS settlement system. Detailed steps are outlined at If you consult a financial adviser or mFund broker, additional fees may be payable to the adviser or mFund broker. You should refer to the adviser’s Statement of Advice for details.

  • Use your existing broker account to access unlisted managed funds and the services of professional fund managers.
  • Get access to a wider range of asset classes.
  • View your entire portfolio of shares and unlisted managed funds in one place under a single HIN.
  • Get the same high level of settlement certainty as shares.
  • Remove the hassle of paper- based application forms.
  • Cost-effective way to broaden your relationship with your client into unlisted managed funds.
  • Ability to group your client’s share, managed fund and other investments under a common HIN.
  • Straight forward, electronic application and sales processes.
  • A simpler way for your client to move between funds.
  • To invest in an Australian Ethical managed fund through the mFund Settlement Service, contact your adviser or an mFund broker today.

Other important information

This information is general information only and does not take account of your individual investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on it, consider its appropriateness to your circumstances. Our financial services guide (FSG) and managed funds product disclosure statements (PDS) should be considered before making an investment decision.

You should consider seeking independent advice from an accredited financial adviser before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold, units in a managed fund.

Australian Ethical offices are located on the lands of the Gadigal and Wurundjeri People.
Australian Ethical acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the countries on which we work, and recognise and celebrate their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and thank them for protecting Country since time immemorial.

See our Reconciliation Action Plan