australian ethical x Investment Trends 2022 ESG report
The changing face of investing and advice
With ESG principles now inescapable in long-term asset valuations and awareness and uptake growing among advisers and investors, responsible investing continues its rapid advance into the mainstream. Ethical assets now feature more prominently in portfolios and, as a result, more advisers are taking ownership of responsible investing and embracing it as an opportunity to enhance their value proposition and build better rapport with clients.
We’ve teamed-up with Investment Trends for the second ESG Survey of Australian advisers and investors, and the findings are impossible to ignore.

A new era of purpose-driven investing
With 3 in 4 investors now aware of responsible investing and record amounts of money pouring into sustainable and ESG funds, ethical investing has cemented its place in the hearts and minds of investors. Discover the big issues that are driving growth in responsible investing and paving the way for new investment and advice opportunities.
A new frontier in client engagement & advice delivery
With nearly 1 in 2 providing advice on ESG investments, more advisers are embracing responsible investing than ever before. Find out what advisers are saying and how engaging with ethical investing is helping to re-shape their advice and their client engagement.

Australia's original ethical investors
According to Investment Trends’ 2022 ESG Adviser and Investor Reports, Australian Ethical is the brand more ESG advisers and investors think of first for responsible investing.
Most recognised brand among both ESG advisers and investors
Rated by Australian Ethical Super members for meeting their responsible investing goals
Take your clients on their responsible investment journey
We’re here to support you – sharing our expertise, knowledge and insights to help you and your clients.
Information on this page is sourced from the Australian Ethical/Investment Trends 2022 ESG Adviser and Investor Reports, released in May 2022. The 2022 editions of the ESG Adviser and Investor Reports are based on a quantitative online survey of 507 advisers and 2,530 investors conducted by Investment Trends from February to April 2022.
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We're here to help financial advisers align their advice with wealth clients' values.
If you'd like to hear more about the 2022 Investment Trends ESG Survey, or learn more about ethical investing, leave your details below and one of our Adviser Relationships team will be in touch soon.